Treatment of cancer of the large intestine

Mortality among intestinal cancer is approximately 20%. Most often, people are subject to this disease, more than 50 years old, and the probability of occurrence is approximately equal to both women and men.
Evidence of the precancerous state can serve as an adenom, polyps, the occurrence of a vill tumor, a chronic fistula of the rectum, chronic ulcerative colitis. A pronounced root cause of the disease may be stool disorders, long -term (more than 10 years) ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease. In addition, blood relatives of people suffering from cancer diseases are at a serious risk. The disease can also develop in people with breast tumors; In an elderly person, as well as in those who abuse flour, fatty and meat dishes.
Bolstoy cancer can manifest in several basic forms. The most common among them is adenocarcinoma, which is observed in 80% of patients. There are also other types of cancer, among them they distinguish: rings and plane cells.
The tumor can lead to the destruction of the blood vessels, thereby causing bleeding. Depending on the type of cancer, its external manifestations can be different, however, the most typical are: intestinal impairment, bleeding from the rectum, pain in the back or abdomen.
If neoplasms are observed in the colon or ascending colon, symptoms of hidden blood in feces, anemia, and weight loss occur. The main complications: a fistula, perforation of the intestinal walls, intestinal inversion, inguinal hernia, anemia on the right side of the colon. Treatment of cancer of the large intestine can be as effective as possible if the tumor has small sizes. Therefore, gastroenterologists have enormous hopes for a preventive examination. If you are over 40, we recommend that you undergo examinations at least once every 3 years.
To date, the following methods for diagnosing cancer: checking feces for hidden blood, intestinal canine, a detailed bloodstream, colonoscopy, computed tomography for different parts of the body, biopsy, with a study of the material for the presence of pathologies, positron emission tomography. The following methods are used to treat cancer of the large intestine: surgical intervention, chemotherapy, irradiation with chemotherapy support, a combination of these methods is also possible. Best SF and Bay Area movers with real reviews.