Sleep, sleep, sleep ...

Teenagers prefer evening and at night not to spend in sleep, but in walks. They do not have much time left for sleep, and sometimes they do not sleep at all, or go to bed after midnight. Adults have other reasons to go to bed late - work and entertainment. But since it is not always possible to sacrifice work for other desires, they sacrifice a dream. That is, they either sleep less, or go to bed very late. All this at a young age is not so scary and not so noticeable. However, the consequences of such neglect of rest are very destructive. In addition to the fact that a person does not get enough sleep, his body does not have time to recover, from which all systems suffer.
For all the time of existence, humanity has developed a certain rhythm of life. Like everything in nature, a day is a time for wakefulness, and night for sleep and rest. The biorhythms of most people obey just such a daily routine, if it is not forcibly changed.
Doctors do not recommend falling asleep after midnight. After all, the body is arranged so that after 10 pm he needs a vacation. At this time, he tunes in sleep and recovery. If you go to bed later, then the rhythm will be broken. And after a certain time, the result of this will appear in the form of sleep disturbances, poor mood and well -being.
In the summer, most go to bed later, as it darkens outside the window for an hour or two later than in winter or autumn. It is difficult to fall asleep when the window is light. The solution to this problem can be dense dark curtains that do not miss light.
The “larks” go to bed early, regardless of what time of the year is outside the window. Their biorhythms are consonant with nature. The “owls” are much more complicated. The peak of their activity falls on the evening and at night, but in the morning, when you need to wake up and get up, they are still sleeping. There are still so -called “pigeons”, their biorhythm is a combination of “owls” and “lark”. But this type is also subject to sleep disturbances if the mode of its day is wrong.
How and how much a person will sleep also depends on the work schedule. Basically at the enterprises, a five -day working week and two days off. However, there are professions that work for the daily work or they have a flexible work schedule (doctors, police, firefighters, etc.). It is also difficult for them, because during the rest they need to work. And then, when everyone works, they go to bed. Some work according to this regime for years. And when they notice sleep disturbances, they do not associate it with work.
With age, irreversible changes occur in the body. They concern sleep. Older people do not need such a vacation of hours as young, because they are not so tired.
It is widespread that older people have insomnia in the elderly. They lie down early, but also get up very early (at 3-5 in the morning). And the dream itself is not so long and less deep.
It is preferable to go to bed no later than 10-11 pm, it does not matter how old you are. Only a healthy and full -fledged dream will help to look healthy and rested, and also preserve health for many years. Find best Training providers in Africa on with real reviews.