Gregor Mendel

Mendel, Gregor (February 20, 1822 - January 6, 1884) - Czech researcher and naturalist, monk, and later the abbot of the Order of Augustine in Brno, Moravia.

Laws Mendel.

Mendel studied the inheritance of the features in his scientific work. As an object of study, he chose edible peas (Pisum Sativum), which conducted a series of experiments. Thanks to them, he discovered and proved that the inheritance features is based on a set of several simple rules, which were later named in his honor the laws of Mendel. The researchers did not appreciate the work, published by him in 1866, remained unnoticed. More than 30 years later, in 1900, three scientists (FRIS, Correns and Chermak) as a result of independent research confirmed the correctness of the hypotheses of Mendel. Only then the laws created by him were widely publicized and formed the basis of modern genetics.

The following factors contributed to the opening of Mendel.
• Mendel well planned work, conducted a thorough examination and carefully recorded its results.
• Mendel deliberately chose the subject of his research - a plant with rim flowers, ordinary, simple in cultivation and self-polling (protection against uncontrolled pollination).
• Mendel was a good mathematician and statistical - he chose a large group of people for his research (from a thousand to several thousand people in this sample).
• Mendel chose a pea variety, which differed from each other by the main, easily distinguishable characteristics.
• Mendel analyzed only selected features, not paying attention to others.
• Mendel each time crossed previously selected clean lines.
• Mendel was lucky in his experiments - the features he chose to study, depended on the genes on different chromosomes.

Eukaryotic organisms have different mechanisms for regulating gene expression. First of all, this is due to the spatial organization of DNA, the spiral of which is wound on histones, and therefore proteins have difficulty access. Moreover, to initiate transcription, the presence of a plurality of protein factors is necessary, without which the polymerase cannot communicate with DNA.

Types of RNA

There are three main types of RNA in the cell:
• MRNA (matrix, information) - serves as a matrix that transmits information directly from DNA to protein.
• RDNA (Ribosomal RNA) is part of the ribosoma.
• TRNA (transport) - during the biosynthesis protein carries the corresponding amino acids and places them in the right place of the ribosome.
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